smartCARS version, 2023/9/15 UTC
[18:05:30] Preflight started, flying on IVAO
[18:05:30] Flying ToLissA319_V1p8p1
[CFM] Airbus House Livery (by Christoph_T)
[18:09:11] Engine 2 is on
[18:10:02] Engine 1 is on
[18:11:05] Flaps set to position 2
[18:11:18] Pushing back with 8857 kg of fuel
[18:11:45] Taxiing to runway
[18:18:49] Taking off
[18:19:15] Climbing, pitch: 9, roll: level, 159 kts
[18:19:22] Gear lever raised at 217 ft at 161 kts
[18:20:27] Flaps set to position 0 at 2404 ft at 190 kts
[18:35:27] Cruising at 35000ft, pitch: 2, 472 kts
[20:36:03] Descending
[20:52:00] Approaching
[20:55:30] Go around conditions met
[20:55:38] Standard approach conditions met
[21:03:32] Flaps set to position 2 at 3184 ft at 200 kts
[21:04:16] Final approach, 186 kts
[21:04:28] Flaps set to position 4 at 2810 ft at 178 kts
[21:04:33] Gear lever lowered at 2797 ft at 176 kts
[21:05:21] Flaps set to position 6 at 2162 ft at 141 kts
[21:05:56] Flaps set to position 8 at 1671 ft at 142 kts
[21:08:04] Touched down at -8 fpm, gear lever: down, pitch: 8, roll: level, 114 kts
[21:08:25] Landed in 3072 ft, fuel: 2126 kg, weight: 57148 kg
[21:08:25] Taxiing to gate
[21:08:32] The flight may now be ended
[21:08:32] Taxi time was less than 15 seconds
[21:08:32] Arrived, flight duration: 02:52
[21:09:01] Flaps set to position 0
[21:14:11] Engine 1 is off
[21:14:11] Engine 2 is off